The question I get most from folks who aren’t able to see me in person is how is your hair?* Although I have nothing to compare the growth to, I can say it sometimes seems like it is growing fast, like each day it seems a little longer-but then I see a photo with me in it, and it doesn’t look like it has grown at all. Right now my hair is soft to the touch [it is quite new to me to have random people want to run their fingers through my hair, but now it seems to happen quite often! ;-)**] It looks like I am going to have a gray patch up front, and after that the gray’s and the darks are fighting it out over the rest of my head. The gray’s seem pretty ornery and wiry and stick out a bit while the darks are softer and more tame. [I was told my hair would be back in 3-6 months after my chemo was done and it has been about 2 1/2 months] So before you know it I will look like myself again and I won’t be reminded of this whole ordeal every time I look in the mirror. Yay for hair!
*after how are you feeling, of course
** I don’t mind . . . and please feel free to massage while your at it! ;-)